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Energy Micro AS - World's most energy friendly Linux for Cortex-M3 - 8 February 2012

This new port of µClinux features the latest version 3.2 Linux kernel, and gives embedded designers all of the cost and time-to-market benefits of using an open source embedded operating system, while maintaining low current consumption of just 1.6mA when in idle mode. Energy Micro, the energy friendly microcontroller and Radio Company assisted and supported Pengutronix to complete the port to the Giant Gecko MCU range, the industry's leading family of low-energy microcontrollers.

Using µClinux reduces design cycles and accelerates time-to-market by giving the designer access to ready-made system functions such as IP connectivity, file systems, and multi-tasking. Users can also employ the broad range of free software and drivers available as open source, within a robust, portable open source framework.

The Embedded Linux/Microcontroller project is a port of Linux designed for systems without a memory management unit (MMU). The OS is an excellent performer for embedded use giving applications access to a rich set of free libraries and core OS services. Designers can choose which functionality to include in their systems, allowing them to trade sophistication with code footprint - often a critical factor in embedded designs.

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